Lifestyle coaching that takes how you feel to the next level and beyond!

Focussing on you , for you!

We don’t just make

a plan ,

we actively work on

practicing together!

Feeling it is believing it!

Prana for Life -

Be it , feel it and

transform your way of life!

Lifestyle and the new you!

Lifestyle Coaching - has many approaches and encompasses many of the challenges we face in our lives. Todays modern living is fast and we have less time to slow down. It’s the type of world we live in.

As someone who has had to work really hard to get to how I feel in myself today I take your wellbeing seriously. I believe there are so many daily habits we have that look alright on the outside, but may be the cause of your discomforts on the inside. The tools I use are steeped in authentic Ayurvedic traditions and adapted but never diluted for modern living and re-setting the system is vital to change, Yoga, Digestion, Meditation and of course Breath work , which in my opinion is absolutely mandatory to transformation and we do all of this together, from a base to build a strong resilient practice and nervous system.

I have devised a plan which will last you today and beyond to reset your system. We talk about your needs, your goals and your vision of where you would really like to be and feel into these areas of your life to give you a daily practice and routine to keep you balanced. Over time it sets into the cellular makeup and is the best partner for offsetting stress, anxiety, fears and other strong emotions like anger and weepiness. Fatigue, lack of clarity and direction, focus at work and confidence.

We look at diet, but not in a western way , although that’s important too, but in a bespoke way for the foods that actually suit your Ayurveda type ( your cellular makeup is unique, so whats good for one person may be causing havoc for another). We look at how much time you have, what the underlying causes are and we walk through a plan and give you a tool box for life.

If there is one thing I know it is that transformative changes just happen overnight, they take time and steps, little by little. Each step takes you closer to where you really want to be. Each step is part of your journey for change. Working with me will be the best investment you can ever make to transform your lifestyle into one that fully embraces who you are and brings out all your true potentials. Your vision and goals are met as I walk through these changes week to week, month to month and beyond. To set up patterns and really embed these changes in your system takes learning and time. The commitment is real , the objective is to stay with you over a 6-12 month period until those habits are like brushing your teeth in the morning. They develop into a beautiful new relationship with yourself. True change takes time. I am offering you that time, my 28 years of experience, study and deep inner work. refined and ready to be given in bite size nuggets to you in a way and time that suits you. Embrace a calmer, clearer , brighter, happier and healthier life today.

The power is in the now!

So that your LIFE - STYLE changes for the better!

The list of issues you can expect help with are of a very long list but in the main :

Stress in the body is greatly reduced and then eliminated

Heart health is improved including heart variability rate ( a game changer for coping with stress)

Digestive health - ( a healthy gut equals a healthy and calm mind)

Confidence - make this a daily and it will soar

Clarity and Focus - very bespoke techniques in combination for you to give real time direction to your life

Weight management - all my practices re-set the metabolism and correct weight naturally

Anxiety and depression - this is the most transformative area for people - reset the neuroplasticity and feel permanent change

Joint and bone pain or mobility - learning to move keeps joints younger the effects are long lasting improvements

Managing Immunity disorders - Ayurveda is an amazing and extremely intelligent tool for immunity

Moving from average to optimum health - disease wont settle in a person in optimum health , but it will in someone with average health

Improved energy levels combatting Fatigue - many tools to address modern day burn out and hormonal flux

LEARN TO DEVELOP - A stronger immune system, lower pulse rate, lower blood pressure, balance blood sugar levels, be less anxious, lighter , happier mood, proud and confident in your own body, performance clarity at work, better relationship to self, better awareness of yourself and others, healing, rest time, better sleep, improved skin conditions, stronger transformative system.

Educated in taking control and being at the helm of your life!

I met Siobhan initially for help with a calf muscle ( which she fixed very quickly ) but what followed was a broader conversation about diet, lifestyle and daily practices.

She encouraged me to think about nutrition and the extent to which more plant based food in my diet would be helpful. She also highlighted the benefits of yoga which has led to daily stretches to help prevent muscle strains that might otherwise rear up when running.

Thanks also to Siobhan for passing on her wisdom about “ayurvedic lifestyle” As a result of some minor changes in my life, I’ve lost weight, my energy levels have soared and my quality of sleep has improved!

Thank you Siobhan
— Michael Archibald
  • Coming soon! - New Year - New You!

    What if you could do something small for 21 days and see the changes in your system and how you feel daily, what if this set your nervous system up to remove feeling uneasy or agitated. If you have struggled before in trying other yoga or breathing or even meditation and mindfulness without success. There is a genuine reason for this. You need to actively reset the nervous system first and it has to be calmer before you do the deeper work. Most teachers don’t know this or how to approach it. I am here to show you a different way. its short, on point and highly effective and transformative !!

    Join me for 21 day boot camp!

    Book your daily 21 days live in person transformer programme live in January 2025!

    We are starting on the 6th January, every single morning for 21 days. weekends will be omitted, but you will be expected to continue on those days as you will have the tools. however we will still have 21 live sessions! up to the 3rd of February 2025!

    BOOK NOW -

  • Do you want a full reset on life? How about you and I pick a time that works and go on a journey together. Each meeting we deep dive into a 6 month (minimum) or 12 month journey together. Let me hold your hand and walk you through many of the changes and visions you have for your wellbeing and your life. What’s wrong now, where are you in life, what is your current health like, what are your daily challenges, where is your support system and how can we turn each and every part of your life’s niggles around into a newer and more functional routine and habits that serve you. We are all so very unique and so the tools have to be right for you. Time has to be right for you and it is not ever a quick fix. Transformation takes commitment, but without guidance and a mentor it can loose its momentum and you find you are right back at the start, because the habits we have now are strong and established and to change them takes time and the right techniques. I will have prepared each session to teach you how to turn your lifestyle around - the best bit is we do all of it together - LIVE!

    You spend enough time on this personal Lifestyle coach programme that you learn it to heart by the time you are finished and it will have reset your life.

    An hour one to one is just not anywhere near enough to give anyone what they need or want to cover multiple areas of your life at once. This 6 month journey will have you feeling like you never have before. Wisdom of the body goes beyond regular yoga classes, regular diet consultants and regular breath coaches. This is a deep dive into your patterns and a deep and ancient wisdom that sets you free. In your Mind , Body and Inner realm. We will do it all together !


  • This one is for the gut, the brain and the productiveness we need to be ahead of the game of life!

    Go through a range of sessions where we actively try these age old traditions together and learn that even small changes can make a massive difference to your life!

    A personalised diet analysis hand in hand with the ancient wisdom of the Ayurvedic system. My gut harmony lifestyle reset detoxes for not just a better digestive system, but healthier skin, more energy, a feeling of inner lightness and better quality sleep. laws have to change in order to feel really well again in your body and mind. Lets do that together!
