Yoga Therapy TT training course

Take a journey of nurturing the soul, whilst learning the traditional practices of Pranayama and Asana in its purest form applied to modern day health conditions or pathologies in the interest of bringing relief, healing and aiding recovery. Yoga Therapy and its associated tools of asana adaptations, breathwork, diet approach, mantra and meditation to enhance and re-balance your own system as a teacher and then to continue this journey into the lives of others. In an advanced Yoga Therapy TT training course. 600 hours in total - 300 Live and 300 supported self study, self - practice and case study assignments.

The course will also be suitable for those in the care professions, such as those in nursing, education and social care environments. Entry requires the student to have at least a 200 hour yoga teaching qualification and having experience of taught classes for at least 1 year, with a minimum of 180 contact hours. Evidence of continuous personal development, of at least 15 hours per year and a regular personal yoga practice for a minimum of 3 years. This course is more in depth and asks the student how asana and pranayama, meditation and mantra can be adapted and suited to individuals who have a condition that can be alleviated , healed or supported and will be advanced upon into a more clinical practice and therapeutic based setting.

This course will have full accreditation from BCYT ( The British Council of Yoga Therapists) and IAYT ( the international association of yoga therapists). It will also give registry on the complementary and natural healthcare council (CNHC) as a fully registered and accredited Yoga Therapist.

Dates and Details:

The course will be run over 2 years on 8 intensives and 1 evening per month. Thursday -Saturday . All in the beautiful bespoke Yoga studio @ Westbourne Medical centre in Park Circus area of the West End of Glasgow with a stunning and supportive environment appropriate to learning Yoga as a Therapy.

NB Those needing accommodation will have a wide choice from a great number of hotels and bed and breakfast places in the area. Kriya kits will also be included on the course as well as all written, recorded and training manual materials..

Year 1 Dates 2025/26.

Intensive session 1 - 1st - 3rd May

Intensive session 2 - 4th-6th September

Intensive session 3 - 27th - 29th November

Intensive session 4 - 12th -14th February 26”

There will also be 1 evening per month (TBC Sun Evening) where we will share a live session on Zoom on a relevant topic and check in on our ongoing practices. This will be recorded and archived as a growing library.

Year 2 Dates 2026/27

Intensive session 1 - 30th April - 2nd May

Intensive session 2- 3rd-5th September

Intensive session 3 - 12th - 14th November

Intensive session 4 - 13th -15th April 27”

Again there will also be 1 evening per month (TBC Sun / Mon eve) where we will share a live session on Zoom on a relevant topic and check in on our ongoing practices. This will be recorded and archived as a growing library.

Part of this course allows you to fully understand and become adept at breath work facilitation. Grounded in science based practices. Each module addresses modern day and common dis-ease in our body relating to each Body system and beyond into pain management, mobility issues, poor memory, heart conditions, digestive issues, anxiety, depression, obesity, chronic fatigue and auto-immune disorders. During the course participants will learn about Ayurvedic purification and reflect on their own system and how to reset, balance and feel how these practices integrate with the Dhatus and Malas and the body’s Agni. We will look at the root causes of each disease and the Dosha associated with each one. We will have a strong understanding of how diet can affect certain conditions like auto-immune disease and ways to minimise symptoms and to heal. We will look at underlying root causes of trauma and how it is held in the tissues of the human body. How to begin to Repair and Balance, give great relief and create an inner sanctuary that might not have been there before.

You will have the most excellent tool box for life!.

Clinical research and ongoing studies on clients of the students choice with a focus on improving the wellbeing and or giving relief to the client will take place throughout year 2.

The British Council of Yoga Therapists will understand each candidate during the time on the course and with the ways in which we assess will be approved by this body. You will be working on practical approaches and adaptations for best practice in each scenario you have created for your work and areas of passion. There will also be research into what the current allopathic approach is to the subjects covered in the Training and a comprehensive understanding of the difference between Yoga teaching and Yoga as a therapy made clear so we understand the values of the two.

You will be fully confident and ready to achieve these goals as the course is steeped in clear and grounded knowledge.

During your time on the course you will also be responsible for your own self-practice in Pranayama and Kriya work.

Breath Facilitation “How to” will take place including a 21 day boot camp prep to Pranayama. To really strengthen our nervous system and cross the bridge from Asana to Pranayama safely.

Pathologies covered:

Respiratory - Asthma, COPD, Panic and Anxiety.

Cardio - Hypertension, Artheriosclerosis, Cardio Myopathies

Digestion - IBS, Hyperacidity, Obesity, Crohns, Diverticulitis, Hiatus hernia

Nervous - Anxiety, Depression, Emotional Fatigue, Pain in the Body and Trauma

Muscular - Back Pain 3 levels, Dystrophy, Posture Analysis, Postural substrate in stress, Muscular pain, injury, Fibromyalgia, Fascial and Somatic work

Skeletal - Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Injury and Recovery, Carpal Tunnel, Rotator Cuff Injury.

Endocrine system - Diabetes, Thyroidism Hyper/Hypo, MS, Fatigue.

We will also be looking at Trauma Informed work, Migraine causes and cures, gut health and Ayurveda, Therapy sequences in Pranayama and Asana for all Body system pathologies and much, much more.

These practices are also applied in helping with addictions, teenage anxiety and chronic stress.

Cost is £4950, when paid in full. £5250, when paid as a deposit and then in which can be paid monthly over the time of the course. With a £1500 deposit to secure your place.

NB: There is a 10% discount for students who wish to book before the 30th December 2024.

Assessment fees will be £265 at the end of the course. All students will attend the exams together.

Booking spaces are limited at this stage. If you feel this is something you would love, please be in touch.

The bookings, deposits and all enquiries are welcome and students are welcome to apply using the initial questionnaire. Thereafter an interview via Zoom will be arranged at a suitable time to determine suitability and a clear understanding of what is involved in the course.

An ongoing self-practice programme will be expected to be kept up during the time on the course.

Most students keep this on long after the course has finished.

Essays will be given throughout the year to research certain conditions.

Multiple choice questions on Human Pathology and Anatomy will also be given.

To be a Yoga Therapist is to feel it first in yourself in order to know how that should feel for others.